Date: August 23, 1982

Place: Motel 6, 2851 Shadeland, Indianapolis, IN 46219
Mileage: 86551.8 - 239.4 miles

Breakfast: $10.63 - H.J. Collinsville
Snack: $4.03 - Ice cream - Baskin Robbins
Dinner: $15.40 - Duff's (Indy, Ind.)

6.00 - Indy Speedway

Total Spending: $80.76

Monday - August 23, 1982 -  9:30 am

9:30 am C.D.T. - It rained last night and is still raining. The storm woke us up but we got out late anyway. We are driving to Indianapolis, IN to see the speedway. Hope it stops raining.

1 pm C.D.T - Just changed time zones for the last time. It is 2 pm E.D.T. - still raining!

3:00 pm - Here we go again! The time in IN is standard time. Anyway, we got to the Speedway. Took a ride around the track and if we knew it was still early enough would have taken the kids to the childrens museum. But, because wof the time change, we thought it was later.Even though it was earlier. (Are you still with me?) Now you know how we felt.

6:30 pm or sometime that evening - Had dinner at Duff's Smorgasboard. Matthew went for a swim. Three more days on the road then we will be home. I think we are all ready for that.

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